Upcoming Comedy Shows...

Upcoming Shows in the Puget Sound / Seattle / Eastside Area:

Got a Show to promote?  Got to the link above to post it live...

Do you enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and live entertainment? Then this is a great place to find out about the local spots around Puget Sound that have Comedy Stand-Up. Don't be shy, get out there and check out a local stand-up comedy show and have a real fun night out.


  1. Hello there! Welcome to the Seattle comedy blogosphere - which is imo one of the worst words ever invented, but welcome nonetheless.

    I hope you don't mind that I've linked your earlier Pegasus (Kirkland) open mic post on my Seattle Comedy Resources page; my old link for for Pegasus was at MySpace, and even linking to MySpace these days makes me feel like I need daily STD screenings.

    [But considering how incandescently SEO-roided this site is, I'm guessing you won't mind the inbound link. ;) ]


  2. Hey CJ,
    thanks for the warm welcome!

    Dig your blog. Cool to see you sharing your journey, especially as I'm new to the open mike scene, it's very educational too. I already enjoyed the "Comedy Club Open Mic Night: Tips and First-Timer Primer" and "What joke brainstorming looks like" posts.

  3. This is a great venue. I was here for a party and there was so much food and it was all done so well! The decor and food at event venues were amazing. Personally, I think the space is laid out really well and the size of the venue keeps pulling great parties.
